March seminar 2023

Our first major event for 2023 will be the March seminar to be held on Saturday 4 March.

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge” – Albert Einstein

We begin 2023’s ‘Seasons of Learning’ program with a (belated) Summer shindig. So much of the recent discourse around and within education has focused (rightly) on highlighting issues with equity and outcomes for students, and conditions for teachers. This seminar seeks to have a conversation about what is at the heart of our professional life: the passion we have for our craft. By celebrating the bright and warm qualities that characterise Summer, our March Seminar will focus on what we find joyous about teaching English.

This event will be a face-to-face one but the keynote and one workshop in each session will be streamed. A second workshop will be filmed and made available after the event.

Program is now available and registrations are open. Workshop 10 Making Assessment Work for Students and Teachers in Essential English has been amended to Making Learning Work for Students and Teachers in Essential English

Intending participants should read NEW Procedures for Invoicing and Payment before completing the registration.

Links for streamed sessions will be emailed to online participants on Thursday 2 March.

When you register you will see a confirmation message on your screen. if you do NOT see this message it will indicate your registration has not come through. If in doubt, contact Trish by email,au or by phone 0455 464 000

Changes to the program

As stated in the program not all workshops were expected to actually run twice. Offerings have now been rationalised and most workshops will be offered once only. Deletions from the program for first workshop session are:

8. Joy in grammar teaching with Pride and Prejudice

14. Thinking chains

15 Who says the IA1 can't be fun

16. "Drink to the general joy of the whole table": Finding Joy in EA Prep

Deletions for second session:

2. Confidence tricks - six sneaky ways to build confidence

3. Physicalisation in the English classroom

5. Choice in the middle school

6. Finding the humanity in Literature

7. English extension

9. The surprising levers of joy


Venue:Iona College
Venue Address:85 North Road, LINDUM
Starting:8:30 AM
Saturday 4th March 2023
Ending:1:00 PM
Email Enquiries:

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Contact Us

Address: PO Box 1157, LUTWYCHE,
Queensland, Australia, 4030

ABN: 17 689 278 512